Impact of autologous breast reconstruction on bra fit. YT Liu, NH Khan, MC Bordes, et al.

Preoperative baseline breast measurements, age, and BMI can impact bra designs for breast cancer survivors who undergo autologous reconstruction due to size, shape, and symmetry changes. Bra needs of people who undergo autologous reconstruction differ from those who undergo implant-based reconstruction.

Automated three-dimensional analysis of facial asymmetry in patients with syndromic coronal synostosis: A retrospective study. TM Choi, X Liu, T Abdel-Alim, ML van Veelen, IMJ Mathijssen, EB Wolvius, GV Roshchupkin.

101 patients from 2005 to 2022 were selected for inclusion according to the following criteria: diagnosis molecularly confirmed; were of Caucasian descent; had only premature fusion of left and/or right coronal suture(s); had undergone only one craniofacial surgery; were younger than 18 years; had undergone no orthodontic treatment; had no extraction of permanent teeth; and had not undergone maxillary osteotomy.

Handy: Towards a high fidelity 3D hand shape and appearance model. R Potamias, S Ploumpis, S Moschoglou, V Triantafyllou and S Zafeiriou.

We collected a large dataset comprising of textured 3D hand scans. Our hand data were captured during a special exhibition at the Science Museum, London. The capturing apparatus utilized for this task was a 3dMDhand5 system, which is an active stereo photogrammetry software-driven optics-based system, which produces high quality dense meshes.

Initial Steps towards a Multilevel Functional Principal Components Analysis Model of Dynamical Shape Changes. DJJ Farnell, P Claes.

Multilevel PCA (mPCA) has been used by us to analyze 3D facial shapes obtained from 3D facial scans; note that two-level multilevel PCA (mPCA) is equivalent to bgPCA. mPCA has been used previously to investigate changes by ethnicity and sex, facial shape changes in adolescents due to age, and the effects of maternal smoking and alcohol consumption on the facial shape of English adolescents.