UV-GAN: Adversarial Facial UV Map Completion for Pose-invariant Face Recognition. J Deng, S Cheng, N Xue, Y Zhou, S Zafeiriou.

UVDB is a dataset developed for training the proposed UV-GAN. It has been built from three different sources with the first subset containing 3,564 subjects (3,564 unique identities with six expressions, 21,384 unique UV maps in total) scanned by the 3dMD device.

Dyna: A Model of Dynamic Human Shape in Motion. G Pons-Moll, J Romero, N Mahmood, MJ Black.

Date: August 2015. Source: SIGGRAPH 2015. Journal ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Volume 34 Issue 4, Article No. 120. SIGGRAPH Presentation: https://youtu.be/mWthea2K8-Q Abstract: To look human, digital full-body avatars need to have soft-tissue deformations like those of real people. We learn a model of soft-tissue deformations from examples using a high-resolution 4D capture system and…

Successfully Taking Hundreds of 3D Medical Photographs Daily. K Duncan.

Date: March 2012. Source: IMI News. Article: With a highly ambitious goal of building the world’s largest database of 3D facial images for vital research into face shape patterns, clinical teams from Great Ormond Street Hospital, University College Hospital, Eastman Dental Hospital and the Institute recently launched the “Me in 3D” initiative in the London…

BBC News: 3D face scan to help future surgery.

Date: 17 January 2012. Source: BBC News: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-16588956 News Segment: 3D face scan to help future surgery. Visitors to London’s Science Museum are being invited to have their faces scanned in 3D. The ‘Me in 3D’ exhibit uses an array of cameras to build a virtual image visitors can then view and manipulate. Data from…