Putting Users First – AR Design for Wearability. D Carson.

Within the global population we find many differences in the factors that drive fit & comfort in AR, which presents a substantial challenge to design. Danny will discuss several aspects of human anthropometry, along with the concepts of Fit Mapping and Fit Testing as they apply to designing wearable devices for a global audience.

Mother and Daughter Carrying of the Same Pathogenic Variant in FGFR2 with Discordant Phenotype. F Lo Vecchio, E Tabolacci, V Nobile, MG Pomponi, R Pietrobono, G Neri, S Amenta, E Candida, C Grippaudo, E Lo Cascio et al.

Craniosynostosis are a heterogeneous group of genetic conditions characterized by the premature fusion of the skull bones. The most common forms of craniosynostosis are Crouzon, Apert and Pfeiffer syndromes.

Appearance or attitude: what matters to craniosynostosis patients? Association of self-esteem, depressive symptoms, and facial aesthetics in patients with sagittal and metopic synostosis. A Svalina, E Heikura, T Savolainen et al.

Non-syndromic craniosynostosis patients are as satisfied with their appearance in adulthood as the control group and do not experience a lower self-esteem or more depressive symptoms. Facial asymmetry does not correlate with low self-esteem or clinically significant depressive symptoms in adulthood. Subjective evaluation of one’s appearance correlated with depressive symptoms. Age and gender do not influence the former results. Overall, patients are satisfied with their appearance.

Profiles of facial soft tissue changes during and after orthodontic treatment in female adults. J Gao, X Wang, Z Qin et al.

This study used 3dMD stereo photography technology to compare facial soft tissue changes among adult females who received orthodontics. A total of 52 adult females (24 teeth extraction, 28 non-teeth extraction cases) were included and potential correlations between related factors (facial morphology features, the change of occlusal height and dental arch width) were evaluated during different treatment periods.

Smile Reproducibility and Its Relationship to Self-Perceived Smile Attractiveness. D Dobreva, N Gkantidis, D Halazonetis, C Verna, G Kanavakis.

Our results show that lip morphology during smiling is highly consistent among young adults. Females presented higher consistency in the shape of the smile, including lip morphology, compared to males. Self-perceived smile attractiveness was not associated to smile consistency.

Development of a maxillofacial virtual surgical system based on biomechanical parameters of facial soft tissue. M Cheng, Y Zhuang, H Zhao et al.

In this study, a physical model of facial soft tissue based on real biomechanical parameters was constructed, and a haptics-enabled virtual surgical system was developed to simulate incision-making process on facial soft tissue and to help maxillofacial surgery training.

The Effects of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis on Axial Rotation of the Spine: A Study of Twisting Using Surface Topography. A Thakur, JH Heyer, E Wong, HJ Hillstrom, B Groisser, K Page, C Gmelich, ME Cunningham, RF Widmann, MT Hresko.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of scoliosis on axial range of motion. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients and asymptomatic controls were scanned in a topographic scanner while twisting maximally to the left and right.