Evaluating 3-Dimensional Soft Tissue Changes in Class III Chinese Patients after Orthognathic Surgery. JX Su, M Yow, MT Chew, HC Wong.

Date: September 2015. Source: 8th International Orthodontic Congress 2015, London. Aim: To evaluate facial soft tissue changes in Class III skeletal Chinese patients who have undergone orthognathic surgery. Objective. To determine if there is a correlation between hard and soft tissue movement after orthognathic surgery. Study Design: This is a retrospective study involving 15 Chinese…

A Morphable Profile Model of the Human Head as an Outcome Tool for Craniosynostosis Surgery, C Duncan, R Armstrong, NE Pears.

Date: September 15, 2015. Source: 16th Congress of International Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ISCFS) 2015. Presenter: C Duncan. Introduction: Outcome analysis in craniosynostosis surgery is difficult and often relies on limited anthropometric measurement, qualitative analysis of photography or patient reported outcome. Quantifiable morphable models of the human face have been described but, to date, a…

Dyna: A Model of Dynamic Human Shape in Motion. G Pons-Moll, J Romero, N Mahmood, MJ Black.

Date: August 2015. Source: SIGGRAPH 2015. Journal ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Volume 34 Issue 4, Article No. 120. SIGGRAPH Presentation: https://youtu.be/mWthea2K8-Q Abstract: To look human, digital full-body avatars need to have soft-tissue deformations like those of real people. We learn a model of soft-tissue deformations from examples using a high-resolution 4D capture system and…

Social smile reproducibility using 3-D stereophotogrammetry and reverse engineering technology. F Dindaroğlu, GS Duran GS, S Görgülü S, E Yetkiner.

Date: August 2015. Source: Angle Orthod. [Epub ahead of print] Objective: To assess the range of social smile reproducibility using 3-D stereophotogrammetry and reverse engineering technology. Materials and Methods: Social smile images of white adolescents (N=15, mean age = 15.4 ±1.5 years; range = 14-17 years) were obtained using 3dMDflex (3dMD, Atlanta, Ga). Each participant was asked…

This 4D scanner captures your unique bodily 'jiggle,' by Liat Clark.

Date: 11 August 15 Headline: This 4D scanner captures your unique bodily ‘jiggle’ by Liat Clark Source: http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2015-08/11/modelling-body-fat-jiggle-in-4d The future avatars we embody will show every lump, bump and jiggle of our soft human flesh – and you have tech to thank. A team at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) has developed…

Craniofacial Image Analysis. E Mercan, I Atmosukarto, J Wu, S Liang, LG Shapiro.

Date: July 2015. Source: Health Monitoring and Personalized Feedback using Multimedia Data. Springer. Abstract: Craniofacial researchers have used anthropometric measurements taken directly on the human face for research and medical practice for decades. With the advancements in 3D imaging technologies, computational methods have been developed for the diagnoses of craniofacial syndromes and the analysis of…

Comparison of the Facial Morphologies of Identical Twins Using Three-Dimensional Photography: A Case Report. Sedat Altindis, Erdem Hatunoglu, Emine Toptan.

Date: July 2015 Source: Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. Abstract: The facial morphologies of identical twins were compared using the 3dMD three-dimensional (3D) photogrammetry system. 3D images of the faces of 27-year-old identical twins were acquired and then superimposed. The differences were shown in a color histogram generated using 3dMD Vultus software. The faces…

Thesis: Three-dimensional age-related changes of the adult face: African American female population. TC Sutherland.

Date: June 2015 Source: Thesis. ProQuest, Publication No. 1587083. University of Alabama at Birmingham. Adviser: Chung H. Kau. Abstract: Treatment of older adults is one of the fastest growing areas in orthodontic practice. The objectives of this study are to: 1. Investigate the aging of the female African American face using three-dimensional surface imaging to…

Thesis: Investigating the Accuracy and Reproducibility of 3dMDface System for Soft Tissue Analysis. YM Kachroo.

Date: June 2015. Source: Theses. ProQuest, Publication No. 1590412. University of California, Los Angeles. Advisers: Yeumin Hong; Won Moon. Objective: Three-dimensional (3D) soft tissue (ST) changes from orthodontic treatment can now be evaluated with the development of 3D photography. However, the accuracy and reliability of this method is still in question. This study aims to…

Three-dimensional human facial morphologies as robust aging markers. W Chen, W Qian, G Wu, W Chen, B Xian, X Chen, Y Cao, CD Green, F Zhao, K Tang, JD Han.

Date: May 2015. Source: Journal of Cell Research, 25, 574-587. Abstract: Aging is associated with many complex diseases. Reliable prediction of the aging process is important for assessing the risks of aging-associated diseases. However, despite intense research, so far there is no reliable aging marker. Here we addressed this problem by examining whether human 3D…